Aaron Binder
To God be the glory for the good things He has done. Words cannot express the deep sense of gratitude and humility I have. This has been such a fun and interesting journey to say the least. To the members of St. James, know that I am so honored to serve as your pastor. You are awesome!
I thank you for being a church that dares to trust in the word of the lord. It is said “Every Journey Begins With A Step” and together we have made that step! I look forward to us continuing to build upon what God has done and seeing what the future holds. To the many family members and friends who have played such a pivotal role throughout this process, I want to let you know how appreciative we are for your continued support.
I thank you for being a church that dares to trust in the word of the lord. It is said “Every Journey Begins With A Step” and together we have made that step! I look forward to us continuing to build upon what God has done and seeing what the future holds. To the many family members and friends who have played such a pivotal role throughout this process, I want to let you know how appreciative we are for your continued support.

William Bowman
Associate Minister
Let me start by greeting you with one of my favorite scriptures Ps 34:3 O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. Through the ups and downs God has given me Favor day after day. With God on my side my goal has always been to engage the minds of Gods children young and old in acting out Christian Principles while teaching the responsibilities and obligations of young Christian men and woman. To encourage and teach Christian Discipleship through the word of God while letting people know it’s ok to be different for God. I want to encourage anyone that’s reading this at this moment to Hold On, God is still able to Heal. Gal 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Bachelor of Business Administration Concordia University
BS in Organizational Leadership College of Biblical Studies
Associate in Biblical Theology College of Biblical Studies
Bachelor of Business Administration Concordia University
BS in Organizational Leadership College of Biblical Studies
Associate in Biblical Theology College of Biblical Studies

Norris Groves
Associate Minister
Born In Galveston, Texas
Ross Sterling H.S.
B.S. College of Biblical Studies
M.S. Mountain State University
Employed City of Houston
Retired 2020
Accepted Call To Ministry 2003
Married: Donna Groves
Father and Grandfather
Ross Sterling H.S.
B.S. College of Biblical Studies
M.S. Mountain State University
Employed City of Houston
Retired 2020
Accepted Call To Ministry 2003
Married: Donna Groves
Father and Grandfather

Karen Swanson
Associate Minister
Minister Karen Swanson is a Daughter of the King of All Kings, a wife, mother, and grandmother. Minister Swanson have not been “Saved” all her life but most, when receiving Christ with a child like faith at the age of 6 years old. She did re-dedicate her life to Christ in 1985.
Minister Swanson united with the SJBC in 2015 and enjoy serving wherever there is a need. She finally accepted the call as a Proclaimer of the Gospel of Christ in 2017.
Her Christian education includes: The College of Biblical Studies and Hilliard Faith University along with many workshop, conferences and private bible studies. In 2019, she received her Ordination from Joan Hunter Ministries.
Minister Swanson united with the SJBC in 2015 and enjoy serving wherever there is a need. She finally accepted the call as a Proclaimer of the Gospel of Christ in 2017.
Her Christian education includes: The College of Biblical Studies and Hilliard Faith University along with many workshop, conferences and private bible studies. In 2019, she received her Ordination from Joan Hunter Ministries.

Desmond Williams
Associate Minister
A Houston Native! United with St James 2018. Favorite scripture is Psalms 23 inspired by my grandmother! First Scripture I ever learned, first one I ever used as a combative mechanism to a real valley. Life experiences taught me how it feels to be in a valley, green pastures and restoration of soul. My goal is to help as many as I can by being transparent about my shortcomings to give hope that you can make it out of your valley! I have a lifetime commitment of learning the truth and a passion to share my many testimonies. Surrendered my life to God at the age of 19. I have a passion to serve the individuals who are sometimes looked over. For God came to seek and save the Lost (Luke 19:10). Favorite quote is “I've seen Him do It!